GRADES 6 – 8

Middle School at Cherry Hills Christian School

Remember middle school and how much change you were dealing with? Your child is grappling with all of the same things during this season of extraordinary growth — physically, emotionally, socially, and academically. 

They need a safe place to become themselves. To think critically. To take responsibility for their own homework. To try new clubs and interests. To dive deeper into their faith.

They can do all of that at Cherry Hills Christian School, a private Christian middle school in South Metro Denver. At CHC, we teach our students that they are fully known and fully loved. From that biblical foundation, we help build self-confidence, integrity and the skills today’s students need in order to face tomorrow’s challenges. Keep reading to find a brief overview of what we offer, including:

School Culture
Academic Offerings
High School Prep
Campus Safety

We’re sure your family has questions, and we would love the chance to answer those and get to know you better.

Our Admissions team is ready to help answer your questions.


School Culture

An Intentional Culture of Respect

Great cultures don’t develop by accident and that’s why we put so much effort into ours. We model — and take the time to teach — how to create strong relationships and how to treat people when we disagree. We do this by establishing these guidelines:

Respect Yourself & Others

We address issues with your child one-on-one, and we encourage parent involvement in all situations. We also have a counselor on campus and use a social and emotional curriculum to ensure students have the skills they need in order to have healthy relationships with themselves and others.

Build Relationships Based on Trust

Thanks to the smaller classes, our teachers know their students well and meet them where they are both emotionally and academically.

Serve God & Others

We have chapel every Friday and Life Groups that stay together all three years of Middle School. These Life Groups focus on learning about Jesus and navigating middle school well. We also have two service days a year and a mission week.

Take Responsibility

CHC offers a blend of positive reinforcement and consequences for actions. First, we take a positive approach. For example, we have a schoolwide reward system and provide high structure and predictability in our classrooms to maintain focus.

School environment matters. Where will your middle schooler thrive?

Download our parent guide to Understanding the Mind of a Middle Schooler.

Two of our children have been at Cherry Hills since they were in preschool and kindergarten! Each year has come with its own list of blessings and amazing support and guidance from their teachers. They have been challenged in both academics and spiritual growth by their peers and teachers. It has been a blessing to see them make friends that encourage and support them in their areas of interest. As parents, we know that Cherry Hills Christian School is a safe place for our boys to make mistakes, grow, be leaders, and be loved. We would not want them anywhere else.

– Roger and Sheá Goodwin, CHC parents

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Academic Offerings

Faith Formation

At CHC, we teach through the lens of Jesus. We believe every subject points to Him. Your child will have the chance to see Jesus in all things — even math!

Academic Excellence

Our highly qualified teachers cover all of the required core subjects while adjusting for and incorporating different learning styles. Your child will also benefit from mini lessons and the latest research-proven teaching techniques.

Critical Thinking

Your child will do more than memorize facts at CHC. Instead, they’ll practice the important skill of critical thinking through classroom discussions, writing assignments, and project-based instruction. Our teachers don’t just hand out answers, they inspire by asking questions.

Exploring Interests

Middle school is the perfect time for your child to try something new (or to buckle down and improve at something they already enjoy).  Whether it’s a new or an old interest, CHC offers plenty of options, such as Spanish immersion classes, a technology program that covers everything from coding to media production, yearbook, show choir, a visual arts program and more.

High School Prep

Preparing students — for today and beyond.

Like you, our goal at CHC is to help your child have the skills to thrive now and in whatever situation the future holds for them. So, we do everything we can to ensure they are ready academically, socially, and spiritually for high school.

Study Skills

We work with students to teach responsibility, time management, and organizational skills. Students are responsible for missing work and late work, and they are required to keep a planner and complete their weekly assignments.

Making Choices

Just like any other skill, decision-making takes practice. That’s why we give your child the opportunity to select their electives and clubs. Then, as they move to high school, they are prepared to make bigger choices — ones that carry more weight.


Mentors are assigned to each life group, and those mentors stay with the group all three years of middle school. So, when your child needs a listening ear or a bit of guidance, they aren’t going to a stranger. They’re reaching out to a trusted adult who really understands them.

Campus Safety

A Safe Haven, Physically & Emotionally

Growing up can be a little scary because you’re experiencing so many things for the first time. So, even though your child is probably taller now, they still need a sense of security and community. That’s why we work so hard on providing a respectful culture and invest in security guards, background checks, and more.

Meet the Directors



Degree: Colorado Christian University, Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and Biblical Studies

Professional Experience: 23 years

Christy has lived in Colorado since she was a child. She has loved watching the Lord empower her to love His people with His love. Over the years, she also has served as a mentor teacher, a grade-level team leader, and a dean of students. She is passionate about discipleship and is committed to leading in a way that will leave those around her feeling deeply known and fully loved.

See for Yourself

Visit a Middle School class and get a sense of how Cherry Hills Christian School could be the right fit for your family.

schedule tour