Supporting our students and families as they grow deeper in their relationship with God is a priority at CHC.
We have a variety of opportunities available that allow you to grow as a family and as part of a larger community.
Please check out all the details below.


Chapel at Cherry Hills Christian is an intentional weekly pause for our community to gather and experience God through studying His Word God and praising God with song.
We desire to create a unique experience for students, teachers, and families to encounter Jesus and cultivate a heart that loves God and loves others.

Wednesdays in Room 115 (formerly Tree House)
Grades 1-3 from 8:25-8:55 am
Junior K and Kindergarten from 9:20-9:40 am
Grades 4-5 from 10:15-10:45 am

Read Ms. Lisa’s Weekly Chapel Chat here.

Fridays in Dixon Chapel from 8:45 – 9:30 am

Parents in prayer

Prior to Chapel, parents will join together to pray over our students and community. We will be seeking God’s power through prayer.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. “ Philippians 4:6

Beginning the week of September 10
Lower School / Wednesdays from 8:10 – 8:30 am
Middle School / Fridays from 8:10 – 8:30 am

Moms Bible Study

Launching Thursday, September 12 from 8:45 – 10:00 am

We are so excited for our CHC Mom’s Bible Study this Fall. We will be using Angie Smith’s Seemless: Understanding The Bible As One Complete Story.  

You will want to bring your Bible and the Bible Study book with you on the 12th. We will meet as a large group and small groups as part of our gathering. 

Please email Carey Bailey at with questions


Life Groups are single-gender small groups that gather weekly throughout the school year for community connection. They serve as a touchpoint with teachers, providing a space for a core group of students to share life experiences through fellowship and serving as they grow deeper in their relationship with God.

Wednesdays: 8:20 – 8:40 am
This is a time for prayer, play, service and rest.

Fridays: 8:20 – 8:45 am
This is a space to prepare students heart to come to Chapel. They look ahead at the verses covered in the Chapel message and have discussion time.

Community Days:
Once a quarter our Life Group Parents organize Community Days for the groups. Community days are a time of extended Life Group time that involved delicious food and gathering for large group connection.


Prayer is a gateway for allowing God to know us and the desires of our heart. Prayer is also a way for us to listen to God and be encouraged by His presence and work in our lives. We hope you enjoy our CHC Family Prayer Prompts. Our desire is that it will support your growth with the Lord.  Click here for the AUGUST Prayer Prompts


“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

Our CHC Counselor is here to support your child. Reach out to Lower School Counselor Becky King at
Check out this presentation from Becky King for ideas when you feel like your child is bogged down in comparision, fear and worry.


Enjoy our worship playlist while you are driving, cooking or before bedtime.

Discover the music your Lower School Student loves in Chapel with this music video playlist

WHAT IS NEXT?: Did your child make a recent commitment to Jesus? We want to celebrate with them and you. Here are some “next step” ideas for children that are excited to go deeper in their faith.

#1 Baptism: Baptism is a public declaration of your faith and a way for your immediate and church family to celebrate the decision to follow Jesus. For more information on the CHCC upcoming baptism opportunity click here.

#2 Get A Bible: Helping a child fall in love with reading their Bible is one of the great gifts you can give them. Click here to find age appropriate Bibles.

#3 Read The Bible: Do you want to dive in together as a family? Click here to find awesome apps and resources to support you.

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